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All That Remains, Poems by Peter Serchuk
The speakers in the the soulful poems of
Peter Serchuk’s All That Remains deeply inhabit
their landscapes and their relationships, living fully, leaving no
moment unembraced.
“Original to the core, innovative, his voice is like no one else's writing today.”— Laurence Lieberman
“All That Remains sparkles everywhere with diamond-bright language. Reading this lovely book reminds me of what brought me to poetry in the first place.”— George Bilgere
“Peter Serchuk is that increasingly rare poet whose voice is both vivid and fresh, sometimes funny always convincing…I think his is one of the most original poetic sensibilities of his generation.”—Richard Burgin
Peter Serchuk is the author of Waiting for Poppa at the Smithtown Diner (University of Illinois Press). His poetry also has appeared in various literary journals—including American Poetry Review, Boulevard, Denver Quarterly, Mid-American Review, North American Review, Paris Review, Poetry, and others.
ISBN: 978-1936370771, 102 pages
Also by Peter Serchuk: