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Rose Has a New Walker, Poems by Karen Mandell

I ask Rose to push the walker in the hall.
She can’t help smiling; stately, royal she glides like the King’s barge
down the Thames. The waters part before her; I hear Handel’s music

coverA walk through life, with attention to minute details, marks this lovely collection by Karen Mandell. Each day is a new walk with these poems, careful and deliberate.

Sample Poems by Karen Mandell

"Karen Mandell writes about the quiet and quirky moments of our days. Through vivid images and metaphors, she fills the page with our all too familiar anxieties and perplexities. And then she surprises us, deftly, seamlessly putting us in touch with the larger truths in our lives. And then she has us smile at the wonder of it all. Her work is uplifting and luminous."-Matthew White, director, 4th Coast Productions, and the director and cinematographer of "Bridge Brothers," a documentary.

"Karen Mandell is a poet of deceptive power. She gently casts her spell by luring the reader to share a mundane moment, a moment that may inexplicably morph into another galaxy altogether. Interweaving the day-to-day with lyric imagery of the natural world, she animates both with the mystic eye of a seer."-P.M. Steffen, author of the best-selling thriller The Profiler's Daughter

Karen Mandell is the author of Clicking, a collection of nterrelated short stories. She lives in Needham, MA, with her husband, Fred, and dog, Sappho, who listen resignedly while she practices the banjo

ISBN: 978-1625492555, 54 pages

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