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Full Circle, Poems by Robert Paul Allen
Robert Paul Allen’s Full Circle is a journey through the cycles of the world.
Sample Poems by Robert Paul Allen
“In this marvelous and enchanting poetry collection, Rober Allen brings us full circle, from birth to old age, to death. His precise and evocative use of imagery allows his readers to readily identify with the experiences he so lyrically describes: a mother’s wisdom, yearning for a distant but adored father’s love, the thrill of a sixteen-year-old boy standing on a girl’s porch after receiving his first kiss, but also the gut-wrenching experience of feeling his sister’s dwindling pulse after her ventilator is removed. Oh, and there’s plenty of humor, everything from having to pretend to like an Alaskan vacation after months of winter in Maine to noting that a sign of old age is, ‘When your doctor takes away/ your Lipitor, telling you, it won’t make/ any difference now.’ Robert Allen’s Full Circle is a prodigious achievement. This is poetry for everyone.”—Charlie Brice, author of Miracles That Keep Me Going
“Do you live life as if squaring a circle? Well...stop, relax, read, and enjoy every angle, slice, and flavor of the poems offered up on the plate of this chapbook, Full Circle. Robert Allen mixes keen observation with kind compassion and serves you his poetry like a best friend.”—Mary L. Holden, editor, Phoenix, AZ
“Robert Allen exhibits a wonderful skill in this most touching of poetry books, Full Circle. Repeatedly, seamlessly, and with the most artful and sensitive of writing, he takes us on his, yet covertly as well, our very own, life Journeys, — through all of our younger lives, and then onward and beyond our adulthoods, to confront many of our own yearnings, our wishes, their joys, sad losses,—our days’ full range of happiness, disappointments— ‘the full circle’ of life. ‘The final pieces, who will fill them in,’—he puzzles. And we ask ourselves, the same.” —Judith Alexander Brice